PHP FTP synchro script

This script is for synchronization of folders over ftp. (can be used for mirroring also)
It currently is working well
Features ownership controll.
(i can delete a file off the master i put in the folder) Files can be found at sourceforge

To Do list:
stuff i want to add
	1. add max depth checking
        2. add max file size checking
        3. add exclusion list
        4. add windows support (i think some checks are still done on the trailing "/" in the file name so this must be fixed to allow for windows "\")(related to fixme 2,3)
        5. max disk space to use for mirror
	6. make the error reporting more powerfull.
	7. support email of error report.

 H      1. add in disk space checking to the dling of files
 L      2. some areas asume paths have a trailing / and some assume they dont.  make uniform.
        3. currently local_path cant be "/" could fix this but would any one ever want to do this?! (hrm u could mirror a whole computer this way)
        4. may not be checking if the filesizes are changed.

H=high priority
L=low priority

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